Varenummer SP0008 Kategori:

It’s Circle Time

193 games, rhymes and songs.
Sorted by the themes body, food, clothes, house, animals and colours.

If you do not have objects from Snakkepakken, you will get a long way with the keyword cards in the booklet Nøkkelordene.

kr 398,00

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Target group:

  • Parents and other care providers
  • English-speaking children in kindergarten and preschool
  • Teachers and pupils in primary and lower secondary school
  • Anyone who wants to practice some basic English in casual play situations

Quickly and easily use the activity ideas in small groups, one-to-one situations, at meal time, during nap time, in the wardrobe, on a trip, as mother tongue support and while learning a second or foreign language.

Is the theme animals? Choose the game «Five Little Fishes», the rhyme «I Went to the Zoo» and the song «MM AAH!»

The objects from Snakkepakken are durable and child-proof and can provide first hand support in linguistic and social interaction. See, hear, touch and do! Experience the flexibility and the endless combination of possibilities when using all the objects from Snakkepakken. (No objects or key word cards are included in this product).

Nyeste utgave 2024. 44 sider. A4, hvit spiral, frostet plastomslag.


Vekt 0,3 kg
Dimensjoner 213 × 5 × 300 mm